Note: I do not have kids and I am not have blessed/lucky to have had them.
My view/belief as a person that can vote and fund education, is the biology should be described and understood. I also believe that the #1 thing that should be talked about is consent.
Schools then should have programs, where parents can choose to utilize them for sex education, and it should be done where both the child and parent come in. If there are religious exceptions, then the parents should be required to come in and validate that certain activities and things are "going to be discussed".
Maybe that is too much of an overreach, but my view is provide a vehicle for teaching, give parents the authority to consent their kids or certify that they will take care of it.
If sexual assault or consent violations occur, then there can be remediation.
My intent is not to control, but to educate and provide resources to parents and our society to build more wholesome and safety for children and for men and women.
As for the rest of the article, great work as usual! You are an amazing asset to medium, and life!