Now, I have none of the pain points you have, but one of my favorite comments from a recruiter was negging like you got.
There is no way you have this experience it is impossible.
My response was, I have billable and worked in companies where I put 70-90 hours a week nonstop all the time. So, 5 years for me with the 10,000 hour rules comes to me in 2-3 years.
Another company wanted me to be a chief architect, but they had a problem with me keeping a house (farm actually) in the midwest and not being there 24x7. I stated, I have no issue with flying in first thing on Monday morning and leaving on a redeye on friday or do a sunday even / fri noon flight.
Why wouldn't you want to be here? I stated my wife has a horse farm business and we can't afford to keep it in California, and I am not going to kill her career and dreams because of a paycheck.
I love your history, and I knew there was something awesome and precise (tight actually) about your writing.
If you are curious what I do ... I am the guy that does carrier grade performance solutions. You know systems that go from 50-200 million people in a single silo ... (performance architect) ...
You rock keep on fighting, and I would have been honored to work side by side with you at some dot-com!