Quality is up and quantity is down. There are good things to this and bad. It is up to each gender to own their own shit per se. The thing is when it comes to one gender stating preferences that turn into expectations that is where both sides have to be very careful with their word choice and intent.
Women are and have been hurt. Men have caused it and there are situations where the opposite is true too. If someone desires a committed relationship with another person of the opposite sex one has to eject all biased and stereotypes based on personal views. Obviously if a person is in danger then their safety always comes first.
That being said if higher quality men are desired then society needs to empower the equality and the team work view to help people grow.
Right now for men that simply don't exist. There are quite a few stories from women writing about men without the male view of masculinity. Can women do this? Absolutely! But they have to understand the solving of pain on their trauma will come at the expense of mens growth. Is that right? In some cases yes but more than likely no in quite a few.
So with women pushing their well earned an deserved preferences, they can. But remember when leading it also means the person you want may deem a person to high maintenance or worth the effort of building a relationship with. Women will learn what some men have seen. They marry down and have to compromise on their expectations.
It is equality. The big thing society needs to truly get is the damage done to men has never been addressed effectively across all generations x/y/z .... So now women and society will pay for the penny wise pound foolish madness.