Shaming on intent while ok for dealing with the demons does not help with the overall situation sadly.
I do agree with you if now why not in the past, but given the state of birth control in the USA for men "and" the fact that we have the GOP folks going to gun for it now because you know "relgiion" ... We need more guys to step up and take ownership of it.
Now, where I would put the "V" into perspective comes down to enforcement for men and boys who get women pregnant while skirting responsibility.
E.g. Rape? Well snip and possibly sterilze. Underage Boy getting a girl pregnant "snip".
Single Female Partner who reports a male partner not helping with his 1/2 during the pregnancy .... "pay" or "snip".
Repeat offender for the last one? Sterlize or be made to prove he is still shooting blanks monthly on his own dime.
IMO, folks should go nuclear on the male sterlization aspects for abuse or failure to not be responsible.
People will say but a woman might lie or fake it!!! I will say, well guess what, worrying about the possibility of a non life threatening issue versus death from birth. Grow a pair since one doesn't know it or get it.
Also ... I would for those red states state IVF is only reservered for queer partners, if you are a heterosexual couple and can't conceive? Adopt a foster child or adopt a child. Then I would offer them thoughts and prayers and suggest, maybe they divorce and find a partner that can give them a baby ... but oh wait ... you can't because some religions don't allow divorce ... oh well have a nice life...