#snicker ... my response would be...
After dinner drink or coffee with just cream, because she is that sugary and awesome!
What I have found is people that some state an acquired taste are like that 18,25,30 year old scotch that is just delicious.
Meanwhile, others in life that conform are like a guy I talked to in a bar in my area while waiting for a food order to be made.
I love my Miller Lite. Dude, you stated you were a 5 generation Texans, what about Blood and Honey from Revolver. I don't need fancy stuff was his retort Miller Lite is perfect.
Obviously, he was a regular because the bartender rolled her eyes and stated. You have good taste that is a good draft beer (made in Texas for Texaans).
As for the fun game of 16 personalities, while getting a crown done the female dentist and her assistant were talking about that and how she loved doing the tests to help her manage her kids.
I patiently waited 30 minutes to respond. I stated I knew you were an introvert because I like your style and your skills and feel safe and good with your work.
I then explained why my ENFP is a match for intoverts, and she was like this is really interestiing, and here I thought was boring being an introvert.
I stated let me explain why, I have the energy like radar or an xray to send out a stream of communication, and then based upon how you absorb it and process it, I can use my intuition skills to figure out how to respond, then I have my inate core feelings to know how to try to deal with it.
So with trust .... I can drop consensual phrases that resonate. I leave the P for your curiousity.
Then at the exit of the door I stated, and saw her reception/assistant. Can I bet she is going to be researching all about this later today? She laughed and the dentists said ... geez how did you know.
So be proud of finding the real you and being comfortable because that is an amazing thing, which means you will do awesome things, be a supportive parent and live a full life.
I do hope you find that inner peace and partners and friends to give you the space and taste to keep super happy and to keep the negative vibes away!
Take care!