That is a fun mouthful of delight. Do you have to have Wasabi and soy sauce with that fusion meal :)
I agree with your friend. I saw it in 2003, and how I did was because I travelled a lot in the USA. I mean I would put up 150-200K miles domestically and I got to know all parts of the country.
I saw the wave of red hate that was coming, and the blue wave of indifference, and the sheer political naivety of the Coasts over academic economic flows that meant nothing but economic destruction.
In 2010 I decided to move the farm and my wife to Texas. I felt it was the only state safe enough to survive the madness I believed may happen. People called me dark or dystopian.
During the Trump era, I warned people they were missing the whole point. People loved their ideology, both sides were horribly wrong on so many points and right on a few.
I told people in 2017 when TCJA was done, that folks better work together because if we have one black swan event during the 10 year span, our double down on fixing the economy would go bust. We would have rampant inflation, and the interest would exceed the military budget. I also stated all the entitlement programs would go broke in a decade.
Well ... what do we have now? Californians and I love them just as much as Texans. Call for climate change, but have wildfires in millions of acres caused by PG&E their own utility, which BTW has to import nearly 30% of their power (and water too). How about those oil pollution issues in LA, along with the latest oil release?
People love their ideology, love to put down their enemies but when it comes to calling out their own tribe? Hell no our shit is pure and pretty and amazing!
In Texas, we love our freedom, but hey don't you dare regulate guns but a woman's body? Game on. Bring up how a scalpel or drug that is like a bullet to protect a woman's body from bodily invasion is similar to 2A and people look at me like I am nuts. I tell people maybe with the idiotic law SB8 they should sue the man getting the woman pregnant. (Oh hell no).
People are toxic individualists anymore. Everyone is pious and a troll at the same time. So much not winning.
Accountability, loyalty, empathy, kindness and sympathy are something you lose when you join a tribe and fight for it. Your love is conditional, and we know it isn't love when you attach strings to it.
It epically sucks because we all fall down.