That is what I tried to raise to people from 2016-2020, and stated keep up the labeling you can guarantee that the damage done for the next 4 years will take the 4 years of the current elected president and possibly another term.
Let alone decades of destruction as you call out.
My experience is watching a town that was supposed to take over New York City (Cleveland, OH) in the 1950s to 1960s, fall apart over a 30 year period and crumble further.
Everything we have seen in the last 5-10 years I saw roll in slow motion in Cleveland. E.g. Segregation in Cleveland now is worse then when Carl Stokes was mayor and when they did forced busing. That forced busing in essence is still there, but white flight amplified it greater and caused more damage then one can ever realize.
It actually set the stage for the 2008 crash as the federal laws meant to stop the redlining of housing made the financial industry create financial instruments to spread the risk of those loans.
So think about all the id politics that arc'd from the 1960s to 1980s, which spawned the rust belt of the 1980s, and accelerated other social issues exploded.
Remember when the massive riots happened in St. Louis? All the investment left, the NFL team left, and now it is a horrible mess and more people are poorer and powerless ...
One can step back and look at it over a 30-40 year arc and if one strips the ego over a political tribe boom ... it becomes wickedly clear.