The easiest way would be on a fun response, would be to say ... I want you to wear a mankini and I want to see how your package looks before I swipe right.
The SI model is very very sexy. Those eyes is all I have to say and the picture is very nice with her feminine curves.
That being said, I learned how to apprecaite women for their feminine soul and not their "chassis" unlike other adult males in our society.
If adult males (not I am not saying men as these guys did not earn and maintain the title), are triggered by not have a pretty SI magazine. Don't buy it, scroll on, and move on.
To be real though, how many people actually still read paper magazines? I mean I have it on my kindle (albeit The Atlantic, New Yorker, etc) but seriously.
To me I actually partially belief (my belief mind you) that SI does this to stoke sales. Which guess what they can do ...
Yumi is gorgeous and there are many for whom would call 'plus size', that are gorgeous. I have examples in my past when I was a dick and learned to be better (and become a feminist), that when dating and mating "beautiful" women ... they were nice on the outside and horrid on the inside.
In fact when I was a boy whore for a while, some of the best sex I had was not with the hot women, it was with the so called societal "average" ones. Amazing in fact.
Now fast forward in my life, if I don't have a connection with a person, sex is not going to happen. No magic (or dumb) stick will happen unless we lock up heart and mind, which means shared and good communication.
Folks that are triggered or wish to attain a 2D photoshopped imagery as their mantra ... well not for me ...
As for Peterson ... he has so many issues it ain't worth talking about ... he can throw away women as he sees fit ... as for me ... I would say wow look at the pool of amazing that I hope I am "man" enough to be friends and maybe more with ...