The ethics and morality definitely spot on. People should take care and watch themselves because the second horseman of blight will be ravishing America.
For those that have a flip of political "power", I sense will take the faux-victimhood and then attack just as hard as those who attacked the current administration.
The problem is this country can't afford gridlock anymore. $900 billion a year for 20 years to the debt, and my guesstimate of $4-$6 trillion in new debt for the Great Recession 2.0 on top of it. Lastly, the hidden tax is going to smack people? What is that?
If one takes the fact that every COVID death has nineteen others in ICU and care. One could assume a medical bill of $100K per person (x20) or $2 million to insurance hits. Do the math across the death rates, and ask yourself. What will the insurance companies raise the bill to cover for this new expense?
Then you have taxes and due to a drop off in demand, what businesses will be left to pay taxes (watch the bankruptcies roll)
Smell an issue? Good. Because we need real adults and non-politician politicians in power. Because every decision and action done to run this country has set us up for this moment. That means if a person uses the past to fix the present for the future, we are in deep deep trouble.
So that means we have to all work together, and not play politics as a sport. Lest we learn what happened to Venezuela will happen here (got TP?) and one can learn a lesson from Lebanon, where politics became a sport, and then due to lax and a broke government and a messed up economy and polarities of just "wrong". Something will go off like a nitrate ship .... called the USS Uncle Sam.
We have one chance to fix this in the next four years, and that means no party affiliation. It means you are human and American, or you are not. People that say and do nothing "are not" American.