The most important thing with intimacy between two people is trust. Then the ability to respect, and the thread that ties it together is communication and vulnerability.
What guys don't seem to get is this:
While everyone needs touch and presence, the reality is if you have the aforementioned things, while chatting at a distance too one another, the sex and intimacy can be 10,000x hotter then PIV for hetero couples.
If a person who is body shy, can learn to slowly talk, exchange and be there for another person, with time amazing connection can occur with mind blowing orgasms.
Without sharing too much but for the guys that need more details ... (I believe most women get this).
The most important thing is having the consent to say may I kiss. Taking your hands whether in person or at a distance and saying ... I am going to place them on your face and kiss to let you know what is between your ears is the most precious things.
Then step back and say may I touch your chest, and if yes placing an open hand between the breasts and saying.
This is equal to what is between your ears.
Then stepping back and saying .... we will only touch here (touching open hand to the genital area on yourself) once we both consent here (touching on the forehead), here (on the lips), here (above the eyes), here (on the heart), here (on the stomach) before we ever go "here" touching the home run spot :)
All of this has nothing to do for a guy with having a hard "cock", but having the big empathic masculine confidence to make her feel safe ... then watch out world because a tigress maybe released.