The most perverse thing is they feel their beliefs are "from the light", when in reality they are stealing the light from others.
That means their thinking is "dark magic"
I am not a teacher (don't know if I have the deep skills to teach very well if at all, but I look at this as a process.
To be considered compentent you have to do things that hundreds if not thousands of times.
Well teaching children if you count each kid, far exceeds what a parent with their 1-8 kids is by a long shot.
So pound away at your beliefs of liberty by banning books, while in Texas nearly 60% can't read to grade level 3-8th grade "and" go for clear backpacks ...
Yet, I would state to them, why are you worried about banned books in library when there is a high probability that your kid fails?
Are you projecting your poor parenting or poor genetic mixups biologically, so you want to punish others?
See ... now that is harsh, but wait it hurts when facts meet up with beliefs in tests you desired for us to test year in and year out from our tax stealing teachers.
So my response back ... the last levy that was passed did you vote yes or no? If neither and you didn't exist, then come up with a vote for more taxation to fund the schools to help teachers.
If you don't, blame yourself for your shortcomings, don't kneecap others because you live in fear because you know your kids will fall behind and live in a failure to launch scenario.