The reality is it happens to both genders especially in today’s connected with everyone but no one world. I had a friend that fit the mold you talk to. His solution at the time was to go to eHarmony and that worked for him. So my (probably worthless) advice is to review your past actions and methods and revise them. Relationships are privileges and if you do have good platonic relationships, you do know you can ask for consent from your fiends (especially female ones) to what could help you be more successful in the dating and mating game.
Relationships are hard work even if you have them, trust me on this one. There are days I ask myself WTF and why, but I realize that I am lucky and I need to work on it and me as time goes by.
One thing you can maybe also do is try to help in charities for women, as the good vibes you put out will pay you back in spades (as long as you don’t expect anything from the people you are helping.).