The trly ironic thing is the only women that will engage in the misoogynistic and bigoted sexual males will be the pick-me girls of the right and religious. Why is it ironic? They will make them wait for marriage, and when it comes the intimacy being had is so horrible and not there you will see both partners saying "that is it?"
Good for women (and men), they should not have to lower their standards for CIS-Het men, and the ironic thing is a lot of the guys will call out the 80/20 rule with intimacy, and not realize it isn't about the looks, but what comes out of the lips and what is in the heart and mind.
I have no doubt men who desire men probably do not have the same level of Sexlessness, becuase of the respect towards their partners.
Is it a problem for our society? You betcha, but instead of calling out falling birth and marriage rates, maybe continued focus on how adult males fail at modern milestones of being a man should be called out.
No one owes anyone sex ever, and sadly by the time a lot of these adult males learn what they did wrong, they will be to old and lack everything to be of desire to anyone but the man in the mirror.