There is a substantial amount of the male population that fit what you describe, but there are quite a few guys that find this utterly deplorable.
In a social media group, a mother and daughter posted themselves drinking at a bar. Discussions on attractiveness came up and there were some guys that were focused on the younger woman.
Myself and a few others called it out, and I stated.
Some guys prefer the young and firm due to not understand the biological constructs which drive them for this and the impact of not respecting a woman. There are sands of truth to this, along with being fat-phobic because they allow the imprint of the woman being pregnant to override their humanity.
As for me, I am all in for the mother as she is amazing. I have always used the adage 1/2 age plus 7 to guide conversations.
I have been on the road a lot over the years and had many chances to dabble and this is even with women in the 21-28 year range. Where they pretty? Certainly, but their maturity was not there and frankly I can't sleep with a child. It is a huge turn off.
As for your articles, the only ones that can answer these questions are biological males as this is the house we live in. Be thankful in a way you don't know and see the house of horrors that guys traverse through.
Should it be this way? No absolutely no. Why does it happen. Men are extremely lonely, detached, with no hope or desire for the future so they dehumanize themselves and everyone around them.
It is the cost of neglect in our society that has been imprinted on me over the past 150 years of our modern culture. With patriarchal walls being crushed, and with women having the power and access and safety they need, they are making these observations.
The problem is it is just that. Observations. There are no "man groups" or groups based on feminism for men, so it is literally every man for themselves. Can you picture as a woman now, if there was no feminism? If every woman was isolated as men were? It is and was awful.
As you call out in media and porn, it should not be acceptable. The problem is if we mandated it hard like this, then the religious right would come in hard on LGBQTIA+ folks and say ... we need to go hard on this too. As such the only solution is education, for which today it consists of ignore boys and eject them from school and when they are 18 become invisible to their vices.
Good start on a hard topic, and I am sorry for the sexualization you had to grow up with.