There was some real winners in that feed. Brilliant and intellectual women aren't dumber or smarter based upon whether they decided to show you more then one set of lips.
Some might say it is the ultimate litmus test for men to see if they can focus and to show they can control the blood flow to the main brain while showing interests and then when paused after listening back ... showing that yummy desire that women love from men.
As for the oinker ... no .. no .. no .. it is not normal to joke about killing another human being. In fact it means that the filter is completely broken and the humanity light is dim in this soul.
For guys like this, I recommend sending them to slaughter houses and to work with animals being put down. So they can sit there and watch the lights go out of animals and feel really really sad. If they enjoy it, then they get called out as psychopaths that need severe threapy and to be watched.
Then lastly the obtuse professor is brilliantly out there. So sad he felt you were a waste of time when you really aren't ...
You could have also replied ... I hope you like sleeping with your little sleeping buddy trigger tonight ...
Great show of the male side-show bobs ...