These folks need therapy and communication. While he is being abusive around consent, he is attempting (poorly) with words and data to show how he feels neglected.
Neglect is abuse also, but it takes context.
A better situation would be to take the data and have a conversation over the six weeks and state can you share why you said no, and is there something I can do to help you not feel like that?
His actions reduce the chances of intimacy and desire as it becomes a competition and not partnership.
As for him, if he has needs and they aren't being met. Well, masturbate and move on. I would also ask him in those 42 days how many times he did so, and conversely she could respond if she did so.
This information is critical for the relationship and partnership, hiding the data or information means there is no relationship.
If sexual needs both ways are not being met (intimacy is more then intercourse), it needs to be talked and dealt with. If it isn't going to be solved, then discussion about couples privilege and intimacy will need to be talked too, as it appears that these two people don't line up sexually.
Do understand in my world no means no and there is no forced consent. Frankly, I might even see the 3 times she had sex she probably did so out of guilt.
Her business trip may be a good thing as they both need time apart.
Intimacy is the response to a healthy relationship and partnership, it is not the creation of the relationship, and it seems these two do not have a partnerhips but are two people living together.