This is exactly where male desires infinite nuclear power can be used.
It should be an explosion that obliterates the enemies of the partner and to create the safety and silence she needs to find the inner peace and to allow her to sink to her knees and cry and deal.
This is not a white knight fantasy moment, this is a moment when the two have danced and the words can be said unsaid and he steps up and fights to create that temporary box for the moment.
When she stands up and taps her guy, she says I got this now and says "fuck you" to the enemy and sticks the sword into the heart of the beast, while the husband says holy fuck that is hot and amazing.
IT is also when she turns tired but victorious and she grabs the neck of her husband and kisses him to respark the spark and away they go.
The look for asking for help is done without a word being spoken, because the vibrations of the hearts are one.