Josephine Hollandbeck This is my personal experience, and this is my real name and not a pen name. I documented here on medium a year after I did my #metoo statement
I spent a lot of time working through the damage from patriarchal systems and toxic masculinity. I used to have stoic walls and never shared (sounds like most men no?) I went into facebook groups and was open and talked, got blocked, got shamed, etc etc, but I never trolled a person.
I did have smart comments and lashed out verbally, but it was growth. In October of last year I checked out of social media because it was too toxic. Then I fixed the rest of me and now I am back.
Since I have white male privilege, I do what I can to help women writers and support women including my partner with her own female-led business (sole prop.) I also openly share what has happened to me and what and how I grew.
In fact, I even changed positions from pro-life to pro-choice and did so publically. So you understand the ramifications, one of my partners aborted my child in her body. I offered everything to raise the child and even was willing to sign papers to support it, but it was her body and her right and I respected it. It hurts to this day, but again. Not my body.
I am a guy that if you met on a street you would not expect to know this since society loves to generalize and stereotype. All I know is when I see biological males say they are real manly men, I chuckle to myself. Look my scars dude, and I don’t shame you or others. My profile says who I am and I am only honest, because that is what a real (HU)man should be.
Be well and thank you for the kind words and response.