This is the core issue with CRT. It is a book and theory set that could be taught to under 18 students as an AP elective. This is higher level discussion and reading, and not a general history style elective.
Folks need to remember when newspapers were king, they were written and targeted at people with a 5th grade reading comprehension.
Word choice and utilization matter greatly. Being transparent and 100% honest and clear is also very important, and if one does not have the ability to follow through ...
It is like a "white" man explaining and advocating female issues and topics with non-clear and non-specific "verbology" (my made up word)
When it is pushed into the mainstream as quite a few things on system racism and sexism, the lack of clarity and specifics allows the wiggle room to take it the place we have seen.
E.g. now in probably 12 different op-eds in a weekly local paper, I get to see the common thread of CRT and socialism.
One class that all students and even educators bringing these topics need in place needs to have done and be certified / passed on is ...
Critical Thinking
We do need to do this, because educated our youth only has a finite resources of time and money. If we spend it on the wrong things in the wrong ways, we have a society and workforce that is useless for the whole.
But if one steps back and looks at the state of American education, what we are seeing is the end effect of that breakdown from 40 years of education on the edge.
Personally, I try to read up on the issue and get educated, but intelligence is a constant, and the tribal nature of our lives by the loudest wheel matters most dilutes the ability to communicate.