This is why you are awesome, folks not into kink think Vanilla is a put down, but you hit the nail on the head.
There is only one exception though, one can't be pro-choice and expect to enjoy all the flavors of vanillia or the other multitude of Baskin Robbins and those tasty Ben and Jerry points of flavor and love.
Plain Vanilla only for you!!! #snark .to eat any other ways is like eating Devils Chocolate ...
But to your article. Agree with you on that, Wierd is fun and cool and unexpected, and in a world of blase and even with the perfect look or (perfect morality) it lacks vibrance and kick.
It is like going to a BW3 wing shop and saying ... meh, give me the wings boiled in water to cook them that is good enough. I am risque enough I use salt!
Keep it wierdly delicious and finger licking good Carlyn!