Unconditional Love and acceptance is important but it means literally nothing when the boy and later adult male is shoved out in the world where the worst of the worst can happen.
Women fear for their safety and lives, and the truly messed up thing is men do hold back given patriarchal constructs. In fact, one of the things that always made me cringe with feminists and women is they chant and cheer to take down the patriarchy, but they don't realize doing so means men will treat women like they treat men.
There is a level of brutality that women won't see when it is a guy on guy violence. It doesn't come close (even though any fear of life and safety women know very well.)
There is a lot of things that women can teach a boy about learning to become a man, but it is 1/2 of the formula required. A boy will mimic the adult males around him that makes me him feel safe, strong, and competant and cool.
A momma's boy is never cool "ever".
So if a person is an angel in my book and being a single parent of a boy, you have to make sure he is exposed to authentic, good, kind men. They have to be in groups working together where boys and adult males can work it out together with some strong guidance.
Let me tell you ... there will be violence used amongst men, it is very common. Should it be? Probably not, but is a toughening up and the ability to use proportional violence in a world where there maybe men with no dial or off switch.
I still believe that one gauges a societies success on how they raise boys to be "men". Not toxic adult males, or peter pan childish men or enter in the blank in front of men.
You are absolutely right, being a man is not a cake walk or easy. Don't believe me? Then we can use the facts that men die way earlier then women, have more health issues (physical and mental), and the rate of crime and violence shows one how awful life really is if you are born XY ...
Balance is required in parenting a boy in a man, and not understanding this dooms the boy to never really become one .... It isn't about love or money or wealth .... it is about gender and parental balance in raising the boy to become a man ...