WE should not wish for a red or blue world but a purple one.
The real reality is the DNC would be very concerned about it, because once urban folks moved out to the rural areas their eyes would be opened in ways that would make them look at their bias and who they voted for with wide open eyes.
During the ACA 1.0 discussions, I would call out how areas like this were dying for jobs and an ability to feed and house their families.
I was gaslit that what they needed was health care, and they didn't see it as a "tax" on already hurting people.
It isn't a tax they told me ... everyone needs health care how dare you!
I stated if that is the concern why not corner off reproductive care as a special thing they government takes care of in isolation and focus on what can be done.
Do you hate women? Was a common rebuttal.
Then SCOTUS ruled it was a tax, and folks were shocked at the blowback on abortion and reproductive care and the rest we know.
Internet access ... do you know there are large parts of the country that literally don't have much if any?
DNC response? Net Neutrality matters!
I am like are you serious? Net Neutrality means nothing when your upload speeds are 512-768KbPS and 2-3 MB down if you are lucky or you pay for 4G broad band with caps.
In my county, they literally had to put wifi in school buses so kids could remote learn ...
Folks will say these are just point positions, and they are right, but add enough of these points and viola it becomes blinding.
Folks will talk about Uvelde for a while, but no one talks to the fact it is a rural city. Radios that don't work in the school (even if he took it in with him). Lack of funding to the point red and rural can appear to look like blue and urban and ghetto.
I agree with you ... folks need to move to areas and help out those areas. Since these areas have regressed to early 20th century, and yes that means all of the nasty sexism and racism blue and urban views thought were wiped out ... have been empowered by blight and neglect.
Moving would help bring resources and light to the cause.
I am a democrat now and I have supported rural comminities by living and supporitng them for 20 years ... while some folks are proud of their political beliefs yet live safely in their urban den.