Well all I have to say is intellectual liberal women are something that don't make some things on guys "slouch" :) #snicker.
If you are like me (or anyone is a knowledge worker who is the queen and/or king of the chair ...
This past year, I did what I never thought I would do. I bought a Herman Miller chair ... yeah you know the super expensive one and I got an Atlas headset oem and OMG ...
I was having some hip pain and back pain and within a few weeks .. poof it was gone. Hell I was having tension headaches due to drug side effects and I could bounce the lower back of my neck against it and well I was happy.
There are times I do find it nice (it has a hard back switch) that makes me feel all posture driven.
But as you read and Goddess Carlyn of the mighty quill states ... slouching isn't everything and the cause for everything ...
As for standing up all the time, all I will say to use a rebooted cartoon from the 1980s in the past few years (Voltron) ...
Pain makes you smart, and I am sure someone looks lovely in corsets .... :)
Be well and fantastic everything ....