Words are cheap, actions to the words are priceless.
Take death by cop by biological males that can't pass the milestones of manhood via education.
Then of course pop psychologists (not you mind you) come out with their quick fixes and grossly oversimplified solutions and viola all is solved (not).
As a thought work on a social media post after the last shooting, I stated the solution was simple. Modify the 1990 Drug and Gun Free Zone act and treat schools as airports.
People came out of the wood work and stated this was horrible how dare I suggest it.
My response, so airplanes are more important then kids? Also, there was police at one school shooting who ran from the school. Ejecting kids don't work, so hardening schools isn't the answer?
Then admit it, losing a few hundred kids to shootings every year is cheaper and less morally offensive then doing my simple solution.
I also admitted it wasn't a simple solution too, but one special guy came out of the wood work.
Why? I stated you know the root cuase of most of these shooting are the boys living in a man box also known as the toxic culture of masculinity (note I used alter phrasing).
He stated he couldn't talk to me about that since it was bullshit, and drumroll ... went on with how well he rose his kids.
I stated so when your son falls in love with a woman who asks if they have kids will he stay home and be a house husband will he be fine with that since you taught him respect and therapy is not needed?
I muted the conversation as I didn't care to deal with his bull shit more.
But remember ... his manifesto stated he wasn't triggered yet ... well he was. For this guy he knows I have been assaulted and have done therapy and been open about it.
So I look at him and say yep ... possible problem children and yet he will never ever know ... because you know .... he knows and isn't triggered. Oddly enough men like him are the one that have boys pulling the trigger ....