WTF ... you had to read this intellectual shitfest? My thoughts back to the intellectual wunderkin of a person that never got off the short bus because they thought windows were doors and doors were windows.
#1: I speak this way because it is the only way you might have a chance to maybe sort of kind of understand (but won't because your intelligence is powered by a google search bar).
#2: Thank you for telling me this is exactly how a beautiful, intelligent and stunning black woman should look like. It must scare you that you are so bland and boring in your writing and thinking that there would be zero chance of you ever looking or conversing with a real woman in real life "ever".
#3: Hmmm Omnipotent! How awesome to be a mentalist capability like in a TV show with an alienest capability since your mores are built on 19th century knowledge and training. Let me bow before you like the folks did in ancient Egyptian times .... Thank you for your glowing aura (cough cough bullshit)
#4: Well there it is ....
As for black jesus ... what a beautiful rebuttal.
As a "white" person, and as noticed by the nurse when giving me a set of shots.
Oh my you are tan here ... and I said yep a few hours in the texas sun carmelizes me nicely no?
So for you ... let me be the cream in your intellectual and spiritual black coffee of deliciousness while we eject the crap fest of this stupid person out the door.
Be well Marley and I am sorry you got gaslit "again" by the trolls of humanity.