You can even take the fact women are 60/40 in college, which in some ways is the last great gasp for heterosexual hookups.
So many astute observations and the ironies are all around us, and TBH for some folks if they have true physical safety (for women) and emotional safety (for men) in the hetero-dance folks have been starved for so hard and so long, it would by like giving a happy meal to an Ethiopian. Their bodies would reject it.
A better example might be desire and intimacy and sex like water. The Baby Boomers and for a brief time Gen X had fertile grounds that could soak it up the minute it dropped.
Now the ground is so barren and hard if water hits it it isn't absorbed. It is rejected and rolls away into a flash flood that kills all. Stop and think about that if there is some consent or mutual masturbation based transactional consent happens, it is a ticking time bomb.
You have those trolls, then you have both sides of the gender house one feeling safe enough to expound how awful the other gender is while the other is muted because it is toxic.
It is flatly fucked up.
Look at movies now .... we need men to show more dick and balance out the objectification. Ok, folks are right, balance is needed. The real reality though is those male actors will strap on the fake packages and provide a view of what romance is only on screen and never in real life. While some folks are like oh dreamy I need that and I want that and I can't have that.
Or seeing a woman desire and love and passion to hear another woman say "whore". All because her version of sex based upon what her partner is supposed to do which is boring, mundane, or unimaginative after the 100th time says meh.
I would have hoped life and death with covid would have helped resolve it ... nope. Hey war ? Sweet Baby Jesus. Why is Russia acting like it does? It knows it is going extinct because no one is having children and society is collapsing so lets go in for the kill to feel violence because sex and intimacy is too scary.
See, I felt this emasculation for decades, and I kept the violence and depression at bay. I didn't let it conquer me, as I am masculine enough to know what real enemies are. Indifference, fear based reactions, hate towards another with real action ...
I said no to the dark abyss and while folks feel as they should, the real reality is while COVID has been bad, it is on the edge of a first world problem here in this country. I made it out, and feel great passion and desire for feminine creatures. My poems reflect it.
But I also realize that what I feel and the depth far exceeds what some can process and handle. I can dump a 5 gallon bucket of desire, but if the person will melt like sugar or can only handle a tea cup ... I take my time and be patient.
And only share with those of high value worthy of my time and reserve.
I care, and other should. You care too, I can see it in the quality of your work and the passion you emote.
So don't give up if you feel bad, and if you feel great "super" you deserve it all!