Exactly. Rape is centered all around a lack of impulse control, an inability to truly communicate, a lack of respect, wearing masks, and being very uneducated and uncivil.
Some guys will say I am confused, it is pretty simple COVID's silver lining is it is giving you the opportunity to communicate with others while providing some safety to both parties.
If you fail at this stage, then you should not engage physically.
E.g. Let's say you engage electronically with sexting and things go great for a while. Then for some reason (it doesn't have to be bad life happens e.g.), it ends.
Your partner states can you please delete our shared newds and sexting communication please?
If you are respectful and follow engaged consent, you do it. If you don't, then your intent is bad and it will start a downward spiral into bigger problems and issues.
Great Article. As a point of reference for my experience in making these comments, I am a victim of rape and I am kink friendly so I sadly have experience (added the link since it is a buried comment).